Having an iphone can save you from having to carry around multiple devices at once. They are extremely user-friendly, but a new user may still have some questions. Even experienced iphone owners can be surprised at the newest tricks and tips out there. There’s always something to learn. The following article will teach you some great ways to use all of the amazing features of the iphone.
With an iphone, you don’t have to worry about getting lost anymore. The maps app lets you see your location any time your service is active. You can find directions home or explore new regions you never considered before.
Did you know that rice can be used to dry your iphone if it gets wet? Life happens and more than likely your phone will fall into some water at one point or another. Use a paper towel to wipe the phone, then place it in a rice packed bag. Use this as an alternative to a hair dryer. Allow the phone to dry overnight or as long as possible.
When using Safari, making phone calls is as easy as just one tap on the screen. You might run across a number you want to call if you’re searching for, say, a restaurant online. When you locate the number you were looking for, there is no need to switch to the phone part to place the call. Simply tap the number you see on the screen and instantly it dials the business you are trying to connect to.
The iphone has made it easier than ever to provide suggestions based on the individual user by allowing you to create your own shortcuts and add words to your dictionary. A custom dictionary can recognize what it is you wish to say. You can add more shortcuts and phrases by programming them into your phone. As you type on the keyboard, mistakes will be automatically corrected.
Maximize your iPhone’s utility by using the various multimedia capabilities. You can use your iphone download TV series episodes, movies, funny clips or anything else you desire.
Email Accounts
Link your personal and business email accounts to the phone in order to maintain consistent access. You will receive notifications every time a message is in your email’s inbox. You can have one or many email accounts hooked up to your phone.
Update your firmware on a regular basis. The functionality of the device will be increased, along with its battery life. Updating your firmware is as easy as having iTunes installed on your computer and syncing the iphone with it. On the other hand, you can utilize iCloud to facilitate your connections.
If you like the added sound effects when you are typing, turn keyboard clicks on in your phone’s sounds menu. This could help reduce the number of errors you make since you can hear when the phone has registered the letters you have touched.
Pick a ringtone you like. Standard ringtones are fine for the masses, but you want to stand out! You can upload a favorite sound clip or a song that you love; the possibilities are endless. This will set your iphone apart from the crowd.
You can quickly reach the top of any page you are viewing without having to scroll. You should not have to! Touching the top bar shown on the screen (the clock area) brings you back to the page’s beginning. You can also use the same feature on many other long lists (such as your music library).
If your device freezes, stay calm. To begin with, press the sleep/wake button. However, if that fails, try a combination of the home and sleep/wake buttons. This does a hard reset on your phone and will restart it after a little while.
Type faster on your iphone. When you reach the settings area, head to the “general” area, choose “keyboard” and input your own shortcuts. Enter words and phrases that you use frequently. It is a time-saving feature which ensures you do not need to type out the same thing over and over again.
You can gain access to your iPod controls through your favorites. You just need to visit the “settings” area, then select “general” and finally touch the “home” button. Then you can easily customize each by double clicking. The options available will then be presented to you. If you follow these steps exactly, you should have no problem.
You can send treasured photos to your loved ones by using the iphone. Thare are two easy ways to get this done. The easiest way is to simply click on your Facebook application for sharing images on your page, or to tag others in the picture, or you can attach it to an email for those that are not on Facebook.
You’ll find that you can look through your iPhone’s contact list using three different techniques. You can just scroll normally, click on a letter on the right side of the screen, or drag your finger along the letters on the right side of the screen. The third way allows you to scroll down your list quickly.
The iphone is understandably one of the most popular modern technical devices ever made. You can reach can reach a whole new world of opportunities, both social and professional. The above article has given you advice to make the iphone simpler to use. By using these tips with your iphone, you can get the most from your phone.