The iphone is an amazing device with many different uses. The iphone doubles as an entertainer, personal secretary, tutor and many other valuable things. There are a lot of ways to make your iphone work better to suit your needs. Utilize the below tips in order to become an iphone pro.
If your iphone is wet, consider using rice. It is not uncommon to drop your phone in the toilet, a puddle of water or something else wet. Use a paper towel to wipe the phone, then place it in a rice packed bag. Use this as an alternative to a hair dryer. Let it sit overnight to dry out completely.
Siri can now let you set location-based reminders. Instead of telling it to call work at a certain time, you can tell it to remind you to call when you arrive home. You can also ask Siri to give reminders when you arrive or leave a particular place, such as to phone your employer when you arrive at home. When the iphone detects you have arrived at the destination, it will give a reminder alert. This helps when you have no idea what time you will be arriving at home, and lets you set a reminder.
When using Safari, make calls with a single tap. For example, let’s say you are looking for a dry cleaner. When locating the number, you don’t have to use the phone component to call them. Instead, simply press your finger onto the number you want to call and you’ll be connected instantly.
An iPhone’s notification feature can become annoying. You can stop them from coming through. First, go to settings, and then go to notifications. Check out the apps in the “Notification Center” and delete any unwanted apps. Doing so will also extend the life of your battery.
You can turn your favorite website in an app. Navigate to the site in question. Once there, simply tap on the “Go” button. This then gives you the option for adding this site to the home screen. Also, you have the ability now to rename it as a unique application.
Did you just type something into iMessage that you probably shouldn’t have? Has Auto Correct negatively altered the body of your message? Shake your iphone and you can quickly undo any damage. This will get rid of recent typing automatically. Because this particular feature is optional, it may be necessary to enable it under the Settings menu.
The Safari on the iphone has a lot of features, similar to that of a computer’s Internet. To save a picture, simply tap and hold. A menu will pop up and allow you to save the image to your iPhone’s Camera Roll. Alternately, you can copy the image into a text message.
Always ensure your OS is up to date. Not only will this keep your phone useable, but it will also increase it’s battery life. Firmware can be updated by connecting the phone to your computer after you’ve uploaded iTunes. Or, you can connect your iphone to your computer through iCloud.
Autotext Shortcuts
For a time-saving tip for email and texting, make AutoText shortcuts for words and phrases you type often on the iphone. The AutoText shortcuts feature allows you to quickly type email addresses and other cumbersome phrases. This trick can be accessed through the phone’s keyboard feature.
If you have the Safari browser in your iphone, you do not need to use the .com extension to access a site. For example, if you wish to visit CNN’s website, simply type “CNN” into the web address bar.
If you get your iphone wet, don’t immediately turn the phone on. Dry off the exterior, then allow the moisture to dry overnight. Turning on a wet phone is likely to short-circuit it, ruining it permanently.
Try not to purchase or store too many apps on your iphone. There are many apps available for the iphone; some free, some for a fee. However, some can harvest your information or slap you with hidden charges.
Think about purchasing an app for battery management. There are several available, and these apps can tell you where you are using the most battery power and what you can change to extend your battery life. They also have the ability to let you know when a battery calibration is necessary, so you can extend the life of your battery.
Reduce the time you spend typing on your iphone. Go to your settings and make new keyboard shortcuts. Program in the words and phrases that you use frequently. In the future, it is no longer necessary to type everything out every time.
Drafts Folder
To save a message that you are working on for later on an iphone, just tap Cancel. Options will be displayed to either save, don’t save or cancel. Your message will be dropped into the Drafts folder if you hit “Save.” If your Drafts folder does not already exist, one is thus created.
You can immediately get to your iPod buttons and your favorite items. Just go into your settings, and then click on general. Finally, tap the home button. Then you can easily customize each by double clicking. The options available will then be presented to you. This process is fairly easy if you follow all the steps.
There are several ways that you can scroll down your contact list. Use a finger to scroll the entire list; tap a specific letter to jump directly to it, or press your finger lightly on the list. This last will allow for much faster scrolling of your contacts.
As mentioned earlier, iPhones have countless features, rendering them far more entertaining than ordinary phones. Remember though, between features and apps, the iPhone’s capabilities are nearly limitless. Utilize the excellent knowledge provided above in order to personalize your iphone and make it more efficient.